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Spring Boot Configuring Multiple Data Sources

The project is hosted on GitHub: y0ngb1n/spring-boot-samples, feel free to Star, Fork 😘


Configurations for different data sources should be separated

In Spring, we need to separate the configurations for two different data sources. For example, if we have a foo-datasource and another bar-datasource, all configurations for these two DataSources should be kept separate. Even if their configurations are the same except for the url, it is recommended to configure them separately for easier management in the future.

Pay attention to the data source being used each time

  • How does the system determine which DataSource to use when there are multiple DataSources?
  • How do the corresponding facilities (transactions, ORM, etc.) select the DataSource?

When programming, we must pay special attention to which data source we are currently operating on, and inform our system which DataSource to use. Transaction management should be enabled on the appropriate DataSource; at the same time, we also need to inform the relevant ORM (like Hibernate, MyBatis, etc.) which DataSource is being operated on, as these frameworks do not consider this thoroughly for us, so we must be extra careful during coding.

Multiple Data Source Configuration#

Manually configure two sets of DataSource and related content

If we rely entirely on manual configuration, excluding all Spring Boot-related dependencies, it is certainly possible to configure everything ourselves.

If you still want to integrate with Spring Boot, you can refer to the following two methods.

Working with Spring Boot (choose one)

  • Method 1: Configure @Primary type Bean
  • Method 2: Exclude Spring Boot's auto-configuration
    • DataSourceAutoConfiguration
    • DataSourceTransactionManagerAutoConfiguration
    • JdbcTemplateAutoConfiguration

Method 1: Spring will treat the Bean configured with @Primary as the primary Bean, and all subsequent Spring Boot-related auto-configuration will revolve around this @Primary marked DataSource.

Method 2: If you believe that these two Beans are equally important and there is no primary or secondary distinction, we can exclude the Beans listed in Method 2. After excluding them, we can control them ourselves in the code, as shown in the following code:

Step 01: Exclude Spring Boot's auto-configuration

@SpringBootApplication(exclude = {
public class MultiDataSourceApplication {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    SpringApplication.run(MultiDataSourceApplication.class, args);

Step 02: Add foo and bar data source configurations

# Foo DataSource
    url: jdbc:h2:mem:foo
    username: sa

# Bar DataSource
    url: jdbc:h2:mem:bar
    username: sa

Step 03: Add configurations for foo-datasource and bar-datasource, along with the corresponding transaction managers

public class MultiDataSourceConfig {

  // Config Foo DataSource

  public DataSourceProperties fooDataSourceProperties() {
    return new DataSourceProperties();

  public DataSource fooDataSource() {
    DataSourceProperties dataSourceProperties = fooDataSourceProperties();
    log.info("foo datasource: {}", dataSourceProperties.getUrl());
    return dataSourceProperties.initializeDataSourceBuilder().build();

  public PlatformTransactionManager fooTxManager(DataSource fooDataSource) {
    return new DataSourceTransactionManager(fooDataSource);
  // Config Bar DataSource

  public DataSourceProperties barDataSourceProperties() {
    return new DataSourceProperties();

  public DataSource barDataSource() {
    DataSourceProperties dataSourceProperties = barDataSourceProperties();
    log.info("bar datasource: {}", dataSourceProperties.getUrl());
    return dataSourceProperties.initializeDataSourceBuilder().build();

  public PlatformTransactionManager barTxManager(DataSource barDataSource) {
    return new DataSourceTransactionManager(barDataSource);

Step 04: Verify if the configuration is successful

$ mvn spring-boot:run
2019-09-18 23:57:21.649  INFO 15826 --- [           main] i.g.y.s.m.config.MultiDataSourceConfig   : foo datasource: jdbc:h2:mem:foo
2019-09-18 23:57:21.708  INFO 15826 --- [           main] i.g.y.s.m.config.MultiDataSourceConfig   : bar datasource: jdbc:h2:mem:bar
$ curl -s http://localhost:8080/actuator/beans | jq
  "contexts": {
    "application": {
      "beans": {

        "fooDataSourceProperties": {
          "aliases": [],
          "scope": "singleton",
          "type": "org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc.DataSourceProperties",
          "resource": "class path resource [io/github/y0ngb1n/samples/multidatasource/config/MultiDataSourceConfig.class]",
          "dependencies": []
        "fooDataSource": {
          "aliases": [],
          "scope": "singleton",
          "type": "com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource",
          "resource": "class path resource [io/github/y0ngb1n/samples/multidatasource/config/MultiDataSourceConfig.class]",
          "dependencies": [
        "fooTxManager": {
          "aliases": [],
          "scope": "singleton",
          "type": "org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager",
          "resource": "class path resource [io/github/y0ngb1n/samples/multidatasource/config/MultiDataSourceConfig.class]",
          "dependencies": [

        "barDataSourceProperties": {
          "aliases": [],
          "scope": "singleton",
          "type": "org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc.DataSourceProperties",
          "resource": "class path resource [io/github/y0ngb1n/samples/multidatasource/config/MultiDataSourceConfig.class]",
          "dependencies": []
        "barDataSource": {
          "aliases": [],
          "scope": "singleton",
          "type": "com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource",
          "resource": "class path resource [io/github/y0ngb1n/samples/multidatasource/config/MultiDataSourceConfig.class]",
          "dependencies": [
        "barTxManager": {
          "aliases": [],
          "scope": "singleton",
          "type": "org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager",
          "resource": "class path resource [io/github/y0ngb1n/samples/multidatasource/config/MultiDataSourceConfig.class]",
          "dependencies": [

        "multiDataSourceConfig": {
          "aliases": [],
          "scope": "singleton",
          "type": "io.github.y0ngb1n.samples.multidatasource.config.MultiDataSourceConfig$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$63c24bed",
          "resource": "file [/Users/yangbin/workspace/coding/Java/spring-boot-samples/spring-boot-samples-multi-datasource/target/classes/io/github/y0ngb1n/samples/multidatasource/config/MultiDataSourceConfig.class]",
          "dependencies": []
      "parentId": null

You can view the dependency relationships of each Bean in Spring above.

This completes the configuration of multiple data sources in Spring Boot. If we have more data sources, the configuration will be similar; just refer to the above configuration.

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