
Aben Blog


Hexo Building Personal Blog #03 Introduction to Framework Structure and Packaged Files

Directory Structure#

├── .deploy_git
├── node_modules
├── public
├── scaffolds
│   ├── draft.md
│   ├── page.md
│   └── post.md
├── source
│   └── _posts
│       └── hello-world.md
├── themes
├── .gitignore
├── _config.yml
├── db.json
├── package.json
└── package-lock.json


Automatically created after deploying to GitHub with the command hexo d. The structure of this directory is similar to the public directory (the only difference is that it may be inconsistent due to regeneration without publishing the site, in which case the content in public is newer than that in .deploy_git).


Stores the installed Hexo extensions, which are the corresponding node dependency modules.


When the hexo g command is executed, the Hexo program compiles the source and theme directories, and the generated static webpage content is stored in the public directory.

The contents of the generated public folder can be directly deployed as a static website.

When the hexo d command is executed, the contents of the public directory are copied to the .deploy_git directory.


"Scaffolds" refers to the templates used when creating a new article (hexo new 'title'). Hexo builds based on the files in this directory.


Location for storing user resources.


Location for storing blog articles. The markdown files, HTML files, org files, etc. will be parsed and placed in the public folder for publishing on the site.

Other files/folders starting with _#

These will be ignored. Therefore, you can create a _drafts directory in the source directory to store unfinished drafts, which will not be published on the website.

Other files/folders not starting with _#

These will be copied to the public directory and uploaded to the site.

  • You can create an img directory to store images referenced in the blog, etc.
  • To add a new page (e.g. about), execute the command hexo new page PageName, and a subdirectory PageName will be automatically created in source.
  • The favicon.ico file is referenced in the theme configuration file as /favicon.ico to set the site's page icon.


Directory for the website's theme. The default installation includes the landscape theme, but you can install new themes in the themes directory or create your own.


Global configuration file where many website details are configured, such as site name, subtitle, description, author, language, theme, deployment, etc.


Automatically generated JSON file that can be used to manage and search for blog files. It can be ignored.


Parameters and dependencies of the Hexo framework and all installed plugins.


Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.